To not lose faith in the worlds that artists create. And not to lose the wonder you can have as a child. I have made the choice to continue playing for life. I play, therefore I am… To my pleasant surprise, it has brought me some wonderful things. I have had the opportunity to work with great musicians and I’ve been able to perform with my “Chiel Nugter Ensemble” at the Royal Concertgebouw and festivals such as November Music. I have also played live on national radio a number of times and at various festivals as a guitar soloist with my own repertoire. In 2023 I wrote the winning composition for the local carnival with the association “Attenooije” and most recently I recorded an album called “Spirit Of The Times” with the Brabant Choir led by Louis Buskens.
This album has been released in 2024 and is a musical story in the form of an Operetta. Inspired by old stories created by people such as Offenbach about the gods and things that occupied people at the time. I thought it would be nice to take that old style and write something about the current time. This story is about a corporate employee who wants more in life and decides he wants to go in the artistic direction. However, he cannot do this alone and he decides to use Artificial Intelligence. This works. He gets success but due to conservative powers  the internet finds out. (All kinds of different Apps and Websites form characters in the story and they ultimately form the choir). The employee and Chat GPT get canceled and AI is restricted. But the damage has already been done, wasn’t it beautiful what they made?